Sunday, May 23, 2010

Swap Haul!!!

Through surfing the web and the small Okinawa community, I befriended a girl named Dominique through a mutual love of all things makeup. Apprehensive at first, since I don't really get along with girls - she ended up being a totally down ass chick who was really easy to talk to and BS about any and everything with. So I definitely look forward to the next few months she has left here! Here's the link to her blog: Mika chan ♥ sparkles. She came over one day and we swapped out some makeup :) Here's what I got!

Left to right: Urban Decay Grafitti, Urban Decay Midnight Cowboy, About Face Cosmetics, Pristine nature, MAC Scatterays Solar Bits, Gilded Pleasure (made by her!), and MAC Reflects Rust

I normally stray away from anything but neutral colors, but after seeing Grafitti - I HAD TO HAVE IT! It is SO beautiful! The texture is amazingly creamy and goes on so pigmented with just one swipe. I love all the other stuff I acquired as well, but I just had to RAVE about Grafitti for a minute. hahaha